Update and Edit Student
This is the Update and Edit Student window where you can Add, Edit or Delete a Student.

Adding a Student
1. Click the Insert button. Alternately you can click anywhere in the student list box and right mouse click, then choose Insert . The Adding Student window will pop up.

2. Select the Class from the drop down menu to assign the student to a class.

3. Enter Last Name, First Name, External Student ID that is used by the school.

4. Assign a display order for the class list.

5. Besure that Active is indicated in Status. Inactive students are not added to new class attendance lists.

6. When complete click OK .

Editing a Student

1. Highlight the student and click the Change button. Alternately you can highlight the student and right mouse click, then choose Change . The Change Student window will pop up.

2. To move a student to a different class, from the drop down menu select the new class to which to assign the student.

3. To change a student's name, delete the old name and type the new name in the Last Name text area.
If a student's last name changes, you may need to change the display order if you have it arranged alphabetically.

4. To change a student's status, highlight the student and use the you can use the Toggle Student Status button making the student inactive , or active .

Deleting a Student
Warning: This operation CANNOT BE REVERSED and will delete all student-day records and effects all past reports! Consider making a student's Status Inactive instead of deleting. (See Editing a Student above).

1. To Delete a student, highlight the student name.

2. Click the Delete button. A Warning Box will pop up.

3. If you are sure you want to delete the student click Yes .

4. In order for these changes to take effect you will need to reopen or refresh the Class Attendance window.

Go to Manage Student-Days to manage Student days.