Student -
Generates a single student report showing, student name,class, grade, teacher,
status, days present, days absent, days tardy. Summary shows total attendance
and attendance percentages.
Options :
Start Date - type date into date box in
MM/DD/YYYY format or use the
date button.
End Date - type date into date box in
MM/DD/YYYY format or use the
date button.
Class - Use the dropdown list
to select the desired class.
Student/student ID . Use the dropdown
list to select the desired student from the selected class.
(Date range)
- Generates a class report by date range showing, class, teacher, grade, list
of students, days present, absent, tardy for each student.Summary shows total
days present, absent, tardy for entire class and attendance percentages.
Options you can set are:
Start Date - type date into date box
in MM/DD/YYYY format or use the
date button.
End Date - type date into date box in
MM/DD/YYYY format or use the
date button.
Class - Use the dropdown list
to select the desired class.
School Year-End Report
- Generates a summary report
for the entire school, for the school year, showing days present, days absent
and tardy. Notifies you if there are missing or incomplete class attendance
Month - use the dropdown list
to select the desired month
Class - Use the dropdown list
to select the desired class
Report (Single Class)
- Generates a spreadsheet-like grid report showing class, grade, teacher, status
of data records. Lists each student with checkboxes for each day of the month
containing attendance character. Summary shows totals for each student, totals
for each day, total present, total absent, total tardy and attendance percentages.
Options your can set are:
Month - use the dropdown list
to select the desired month
Class - Use the dropdown list
to select the desired class
Report (Entire School)
- Same as Single Class Monthly Report. Summary totals and attendance percentages
are tallied for the entire school. Notifies you if there are missing or incomplete
attendance lists.
Month - use the dropdown list
to select the desired month
- Generates summary
report for the entire school, broken down by class showing class, teacher, grade,
list of students and total days present, absent and tardy for each student.
Summary totals and attendance percentages are tallied for the entire school.
Notifies you if there are missing or incomplete attendance lists.
Defined Date - use the dropdown list
to select the desired semester or defined date.
To create your own date ranges see Manage
Semester/Defined Date
All Students (by Last Name, First) - Generates an alphabetical report that lists all students (active and inactive) in the entire school showing their last name, first name, status, and class.
Wide Daily Attendance
- Generates a report
that summarizes the daily attendance of each class, showing class, teacher,
grade, status of attendance, number students present, absent, tardy and total.
Summary shows status of attendance, total present, absent and tardy and attendance
percentages. Indicates date, time and class name of the last attendance record
Start Date - either type date into date
box in MM/DD/YYYY format or use the
date button.
Class List (without students) - Generates a list of defined classes.
List (with students)
- Check the Print Report
Details checkbox to generates a report that lists students in each class
for the entire school, showing class, teacher, student last name, and first